TWINS WEEK: link love and photo GALLERY FOR multiple MAMAS

So numerous helpful sites have already tackled twins, so at this point, I think it would be best for us to let these links and pictures speak for themselves.

Link: naturally Parenting Twins: loads of tummy galleries and if you click around, breastfeeding twin photos, and babywearing twins photos.

YouTube sensation video: Captivating conversation between pre-verbal twin boys

Journal entry: Rebecca from GirlsGoneChild is currently expecting her third and fourth children, twin girls. She shows off her tummy each week in a black unitard.

Book recommendation: Emotionally healthy Twins: A new Philosphy for Parenting two distinct Children

צריך הפסקה? suggestions for when you’re searching for a babysitter to care for multiples from Sitter Pals.

Necessity is the mother of innovation (and twins): Highchair for two; double decker cribs; twin baby carriers.

Play this video to see pregnant twin mother Rebecca talk about what to expect with mother of two sets OF twins Jen and adult twin Heather. (First a 15 second commercial)

And finally, here’s what we think of all you twin mothers look like on a daily basis. מה?

Thanks to Gucci and all the real world contributors for these lovable twin pics today: Stefanie Van Aken, Rachel Anderson, Jennifer Mares, Tere Throenle, Patty Yeager, Amanda Faul, and Casey Mooney. See much more twins Week contributions on our Facebook page.

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