Weekend reflection #53 A whole Year of an empty Meme

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Well it is official now. I’ve been hosting this meme for a whole year and nobody has participated. Does this say something? will I ever give up on this? כנראה שלא. It might take another whole year before anybody participates. but I use this meme as my way of sorting through my thoughts and the events that took place over the past week. It is also a terrific way to file what my kids are doing, their development etc.

So here it is a whole year of weekend Reflections without any participants. So now it is time for me to do some much more begging.

Please, wonderful, fabulous, amazing readers could you please join me in reflecting back on your week just this once? I’m telling you this meme has helped me deal with stress, look back on how much my kids have changed and just sort through everything. You could also use this meme to vent a little if something has been bothering you. I’ve discovered a lot of you vent on your blog. and yes there are other memes for that such as Tuesday’s Ramblings, I think it is called, and Friday Frustrations. I guess this is just another one of those venting meme’s. but nobody is participating!

So to celebrate a year of the empty Meme I will leave you with links to some of my favorite weekend reflection articles.

I hope you find them as amusing as I do!

Weekend reflection #49 The chocolate Milk Song>> Sunday, April 5, 2009I can not believe that it is the weekend already. have I said that before? כנראה.

Related  weekend reflection #35- Blogging

Anyway I have to make this brief because I am writing at 6:30 in the morning and it is palm Sunday so I need to be at mass before 9.

Sorry I am publishing weekend reflection so late. yesterday was a busy day. I had to clean our messy home and take care of laundry mountain all before 3pm. We had a party to go to that afternoon for a couple of pals of ours who are moving to Denver. קרא עוד.

Weekend Reflection>> Sunday, December 23, 2007


Christmas is practically hear and the kids are getting thrilled about Santa. The terror wants a baby with a nuk. The baby just wants Mommy. and the big girl wants some new games for her Nintendo. father wants a new job and mommy just wants some much more sleep.If everyone has been good Santa will provide.

This Christmas has been full of surprises for my family. We have all had our share of colds and lack of sleep. קרא עוד.

Weekend reflection #25

Friday August 1, 2008

I can’t believe that it is Friday already. this week flew by way too fast. My oldest daughter went on an airplane to Wisconsin on Tuesday. She flew by herself. I already miss her. I’ve been in charge of all of her chores, cleaning the litter boxes. feeding the cats and feeding her fish. Ciara has been sleeping in Courtney’s bed now that she is gone. Today is the first day because she left that I did not call her on the phone. I know she is alright. maybe I will give her a call later.

Related  end of season pool care and safety Tips

Chris and I both got hired to work full time for Crossmark. They are a merchandising company. We will get paid well and they include benefits. He got an e mail from them today with his new employee number and how he can log into the company site etc. I still haven’t gotten that e mail yet. קרא עוד.

Weekend reflection #40 We are going to the Moon>> Sunday, January 11, 2009

I’m sorry I’m posting this late. this week was pretty busy. I actually stuck with my work plan and blogged for 5-6 hours each day. I saw my traffic go up as a result. now I know what I need to do to increase my readership on this blog. But, yesterday I chose to do the housework that I was putting off and spend the day with my oldest.

My spouse went down to Galt to take a test for a state job and the little ones went to grandma and Grandpa’s for the day. Courtney helped me organize the kids toys and she cleaned her room and Conan’s room. קרא עוד.

Weekend reflection #34 – Our kids say the Funniest Things>> Friday, November 21, 2008

Yesterday we were riding in the van coming home from a check out to one of our local malls. My oldest (Courtney, 11) was sitting in the back seat listening to her MP3 player and the two little ones were sitting rather quietly in their automobile seats. then Courtney said, “Mom Ciara just pulled a suנתח שיער בסטנטאלי מראשה! ”

עניתי, “סיארה, אל תעשה את זה! למה שלפת את השיער שלך? ” קרא עוד.

קשור כיצד לטפל בכוויות שמש

השתקפות בסוף השבוע # 32 רמבלינג אקראי >> יום ראשון, 9 בנובמבר 2008

לא הבנתי מה לתקן את פוסט ההשתקפות בסוף השבוע. אולי אני אחשוב על טוב כשאסיים לכתוב. השבוע עבר מהר מדי. זה נראה כאילו היה לנו יותר מדי לעשות, וזה לא הגיוני כי זה היה השבוע המלא הראשון שלנו בלי עבודתנו. אולי זה מה שאני צריך לכנות את זה.

למרות שלא הייתי צריך לקום מוקדם ללכת לעבודה הייתי מותש להפליא לאחרונה. יכול להיות שאקבל שוב בדיכאון. אבל זה לא אמור להשפיע עלי יותר מדי כי אני לוקח את יבלת סנט ג’ון. קרא עוד.


קישור לפוסט זה: השתקפות בסוף השבוע #53 א שנה שלמה של מם ריק


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